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F I D E .

Most everyone in today’s world wants a partner who is loyal; someone who is committed. But what does being loyal mean and why is it so important? Well, first of all, let me tell you that being loyal isn’t just about being able to resist sleeping around with other people besides your partner. Loyalty is about being reliable and trustworthy. Its about being faithful and true.

Why Is Loyalty Important?

Well, if we’re talking about romantic relationships, it’s all about being able to trust your partner even when you’re not around for days, because you know that they don’t want to deceive you. They are loyal. You want someone with whom you can talk for hours without them thinking about someone else because all of their attention is dedicated to you. Loyalty is also important in business as it is in friendships and marriage. If you have a loyal customer, you will give everything to satisfy him and keep him. That’s why all of us have our focus on loyal people in our lives.

To make it more serious, we’ll be listing reasons why being loyal is actually the most important quality in a person.

1. It creates security.

In case you didn’t know until now, loyalty creates security. It creates security in your partner, making them feel wanted and enough. It doesn’t make them wonder whether you might have cheated on them or anything like that if you’ve been somewhere for a long time without them. They trust you completely and you create a safe environment in your relationships.

2. Loyalty forms connection.

If you are loyal to your partner, it will show them that you are willing to pick them before anyone else. Loyalty lets you form a deeper connection.

3. It also means to be loyal to yourself.

Being loyal to yourself is the most important aspect here. Loyalty to your own self means being loyal to your beliefs, morals, needs and responsibilities. You won’t give them up for anything—ever.

4. One act of disloyalty can break everything that you have built.

Cheat on your partner once and you will deal with the consequences for the rest of your life. Doesn’t matter if it was an “accident” (if that’s even possible), but you will ruin the relationship with the person you love.

5. People will love you.

If you are loyal in every aspect of your life, it will show people what kind of person you are and no one will be out to get you. Sounds funny, but it’s the truth. No one will come after you for payback if there is no reason for that.

6. It forms real relationships.

You can’t form a strong and real relationship if you are being disloyal and dishonest. You can have some little, meaningless relationship, but is that really what brings joy and meaning to our lives? I wouldn’t say so.

7. You will get loyalty back.

If you’re loyal, you won’t even look for someone who loves to cheat. You will find someone who won’t think about leaving you because of someone else because you are being loyal yourself. It the biggest reward you can get.

8. Your past partners won’t have the right to say bad things about you.

Even if they start talking bad about you, they won’t ever have the privilege to say that you are a cheater. They will respect you for that, no matter what happened between you two.

9. You will have more friends.

People want to have someone around them who will be there for them when they need it the most. If you back down on someone for some stupid reason and if you start canceling appointments because of someone else, they will get the message that they don’t mean enough to you to actually care. That why we need loyal people in our lives. That’s why loyalty is important!

10. Being disloyal will hurt you more.

If you have a bit of empathy in you and if you hurt someone with your disloyal behavior, it will hurt you, too. It’s called guilt, my dear. It can kill people.

11. No one will forget it.

When it comes to short-term relationships, it doesn’t really matter, but in the long-term, loyalty will mean so much to people around you. It shows them that you are worth keeping around.

12. Priorities.

Loyalty lets you remember your priorities in life. It makes you remember the people who put you first, so you put them first also.

13. KARMA!

Even though you might not believe in it, just to be sure, you might not want it to be bad. Right? We all want good Karma, that’s why we need to be good people. What goes around, comes around – don’t forget that.

14. You will be a great employee.

Doesn’t matter if you’re good at something you do or if you love doing it. If your boss can’t rely on you, he probably won’t keep you around. If you are disloyal, it’s much harder to be rewarded for the work you put into your job.

15. It lets you have boundaries.

Being loyal doesn’t mean putting up with people's bullshit but rather knowing what you want in your life and which people are worth keeping.

16. You will be respected.

Who can say that you are not able to keep a promise? No one. There are few people out there who can say something bad about you and it’s all probably because of the fact that you are very loyal. Isn’t that the best reward?

17. You will be proud of yourself.

You will be bigger in your own eyes as well. This means being able to resist the urge to cheat on someone can make your self-worth jump to unbelievable heights. So don’t forget to treat yourself fairly and show that you can resist these urges.

It’s important to know that you have the ability to break someone’s heart by cheating. You have the ability to lose your friends and all those job opportunities, just because you thought that being disloyal for once won’t damage anyone. It will do damage—a lot of it, to be honest. It will make people around you feel unworthy and it will make them feel like they were never enough to begin with. It’s the most awful feeling that exists in the world. Don’t do this to anyone who is dear to you. You will regret it for your entire life.



  1. Brave topic to choose... Written well @amsomania...indeed there is nothing more one can expect than to be loyal in evrye aspect of life and not just in relationship..

    1. Excellent....Loyalty is a best police in relationship....If you are loyal your first love can come back again...

    2. Thank you Prathamesh and Swapnil .

  2. Indeed a very great thought from a very knowledgeable person.i love reading your blogs they directly touch my soul. keep writing more we are waiting to know more from you.

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    1. unfortunately cannot view your comment due to technical reasons.
      but thanks for supporting always. assuming it is a positive comment.


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