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All Work & No Play, Makes Jack A Dull Person.

“Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend.” ~Lao Tzu

It’s common among overachiever types: We like to push ourselves.

Sometimes it’s to get from A to B. Sometimes it’s to create the illusion of change when really, you’re just spinning your wheels. Sometimes it’s simply to avoid standing still and accepting the moment as it is.

All that pushing can feel so smart and productive—until you’re exhausted, overextended, overwhelmed, or otherwise ready to snap. I’ve felt all these things before.

There are days when I try to be everything to everyone and do more than I can reasonably accomplish, but I know there’s only so much my body, mind, and spirit can take.

Since it never seems to work to shout, “Stop the world, I want to get off,” I’ve come up with a few simple ways to give myself a break when I need it.

If you feel physically, mentally, emotionally, or even digitally exhausted, these tips may help:

How to Give Yourself a Break Physically

1. Allow yourself a little extra sleep, whether it’s by going to bed a half-hour earlier or by sleeping in an extra fifteen minutes and then skipping your usual morning coffee stop.

2. Take a break from alcohol, processed food, and sugar if a cleanse feels too extreme.

3. Get a massage or trade massages with someone you love. Massages are not only relaxing, they’ve also been proven to minimize anxiety, boost the immune system, and reduce depression and anxiety.

4. Take a long, hot bath to take weight off your weary muscles and joints.

5. Be mindful of your posture at your desk at work and take breaks to walk around and stretch. This one is smart on any day; hunching over our computers can cause major back and neck pain.

How to Give Yourself a Break Mentally

1. Take some time to meditate, even if it’s just for five minutes.

2. Use a deep breathing technique to calm your nervous system and clear your thoughts.

3. Give yourself a complete day without any financial worries; put your statements and bills in a drawer and save all eBills for tomorrow. (Trust me, they won’t go anywhere. Just don’t make this one a consistent practice!)

4. Set aside some time to play and be childlike.

5. Sing, paint, dance, or otherwise express yourself creatively. It’s awfully hard to stress and over-think when you’re engaged in something fun and expressive.

6. Go outside and immerse yourself in nature. Feel the ground or grass underneath your feet and focus on being present on enjoying your environment and the scenery.

How to Give Yourself a Break Emotionally

1. Metaphorically release emotions, for example, by writing them on a piece of paper and then burning it.

2. Practice observing your feelings instead of getting caught up in them

3. Utilize progressive muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and then relaxing one muscle group at a time, starting with your face and then working down to your feet.

4. Count successes. Make a note of all the things you’ve done well, and give yourself permission to be proud instead of dissatisfied with what you haven’t done.

5. Replace regrets with dreams. Whenever you start thinking about what you should have done, shift your focus to what you plan to do now. It’s far more empowering and a lot less draining.

6. Write down the things you’re grateful for. Identifying the things that have brought us joy is a powerful way to create more.

7. Eliminate should for a day. Every time you catch yourself getting caught up in how you should be or things should be, tell yourself, “It is what it is.” Once we accept what is, we’re in a much better place to create things as we’d like them to be.

How to Give Yourself a Break from Technology

1. Commute without technology. Instead of listening to voicemails or tweeting on your iPhone, read a physical book or write in your journal. Use this small window of time to connect with yourself.

2. Take a completely tech-free hour. Turn your cell phone off, shut down your computer, and put your iPad in a drawer.

3. Plan unproductive downtime, by taking a walk, for example. Research shows this type of disconnected time is crucial to learning and forming memories.

Looking forward to Peace  & Happiness 😌


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