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S H E !


The big bad world doesn't intimidate you and sugar coating reality isn't your thing. Passionate and confident , you are a one woman army who always gets what she wants. You are the quintessential girl next door with a vivacious personality and an angelic smile. A die hard romantic you wear your heart on your sleeve and take relationships pretty seriously. Feminine and charming you carry out all your responsibilities perfectly. Whether is your eccentric sense of style or rebellious streak, you don't need anyone's approval because you are one helluva woman. Bold and unapologetic , you never take no for an answer- you are a way above that!

Your adventurous streak makes you take the path most people would steer away from. Brimming with wacky ideas, you are always willing to take the plunge and lead your folks into it. A dynamic woman like you is definitely what the World needs. Feminine and girly , you love dressing up and deeply believe that fashion is an investment. You would much rather live in the passion-tinted world of dreams than get dissuaded by the harsh realities of everyday life. 

Of course there is a powerful side to you that you are not afraid to use - but you don't others in on that. Your outgoing persona attracts those around you and the social butterfly you are. Never afraid to follow the beat of your own drum , you are built to stand out of the crowd. Your style radiates confidence in a sophisticated mix of ambition and seduction.

Woman are just like this - Never revealing too much too soon , you are the mistress of letting others guess your next move. Striving for perfection comes naturally to you - just like pushing others to be a better version of themselves with each passing day .

And as I conclude, you are a charming mix of fun and flirty , you love being the unstoppable girl we all know and love. Your endearing nature makes you everyone's favourite as you weave magic in the lives of others around you !!!



  1. A powerful blog from a WOMAN to all the WOMAN'S.. yet another facinating and heart touching lines.. I always believe that woman's can't be compared to anyone as they are way much above everyone else is... Thank you for this blog @amsomania... Have to say u are a hidden talent.. cheers and keep blogging 🔥

    1. thank u sooooo much prathamesh for these words..

  2. Awesome contribution of realistic and fact knowledge about 'Womans' from a 'Woman'...
    Liked it, Loved it... 😍😍😍😍


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