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Lessons learnt!

Hello! from one survivor to the other. Congratulations on surviving through all the global crisis happening around us. Pat your back boys and girls. Well, on a personal note, year 2020 was “supposed” to be an important year for me personally and professionally. So many things were planned and lined up in each and every month. Usually, (if you know me) I am a very laid back person be it anything, but somehow on the New Year’s Eve (while bidding 2019 a goodbye and welcoming 2020 with open arms) I was full of excitement and was ready to bring massive changes in my life. Who knew everything was going to come to a standstill. Being a person who wants to learn or is always keen on taking away something positive from any situation that I am in, I started introspecting within myself about everything going on around me in this unusual time, while being quarantined. And as my title says, I did learn a few things, rather noticed that I have been ignoring or just taking some things for granted...
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All Work & No Play, Makes Jack A Dull Person.

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Hey there !

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