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Showing posts from January, 2019

Here they come - RESOLUTIONS !!

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Maybe the start of a new year is when you decide to get more exercise, work less, pay down debt, eat better, lose weight, or quit smoking. (If you don’t smoke, insert your vice of choice.) New Year’s resolutions are kind of like a drunk uncle. You know you shouldn’t take him too seriously … but you can’t help but laugh and play along when he comes around once a year. It’s become popular for people to make fun of New Year’s resolutions (they never work!) in an almost gleeful way (why don’t these fake January people get out of my gym??), but few people understand WHY these resolutions don’t work. The reason is simple: They’re too broad. January is a time to think about what you want to accomplish or improve in the coming year, and which good intentions are left over from last year. The trick with resolutions is finding ways to stick to them, to make good on your intentions after the January fanfare fades. Set Goals and Plan Ahead How to Achie...