Do you love your job? Not Really? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. According to recent studies, 48% of employees worldwide don’t even like their jobs, more than 80% of Indian workers feel stressed at the office, and only 30% feel “engaged and inspired” by their careers. These statistics sound depressing yet relate-able, don’t they? According to results from a 2012 Wakefield Research study, office employees are fed up with everything from participating in “optional” employee activities and having to listen to the office know-it-all to dealing with a snarky boss who thinks he’s hilarious. Here are the most common workplace frustrations psychologists have derived from numerous interviews and studies: Pesky Co-Workers Nothing is more irritating than having a co-worker who’s always whining about something. The constant complainer who would rather bash everyone’s ideas than come up with any of her own is a drain on everyone’s energy. In addition, listening to the know-it-all who won’t...
My life is all about being an infectious traveller and a bigtime hogger ..