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Showing posts from July, 2018

Deal With It !

Do you love your job? Not Really? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. According to recent studies, 48% of employees worldwide don’t even like their jobs, more than 80% of Indian workers feel stressed at the office, and only 30% feel “engaged and inspired” by their careers. These statistics sound depressing yet relate-able, don’t they? According to results from a 2012 Wakefield Research study, office employees are fed up with everything from participating in “optional” employee activities and having to listen to the office know-it-all to dealing with a snarky boss who thinks he’s hilarious. Here are the most common workplace frustrations psychologists have derived from numerous interviews and studies: Pesky Co-Workers Nothing is more irritating than having a co-worker who’s always whining about something. The constant complainer who would rather bash everyone’s ideas than come up with any of her own is a drain on everyone’s energy. In addition, listening to the know-it-all who won’t...

Our SuperHero ❤

Dear Dad, I write to you not only as your daughter, but as one of many daughters who know the unique intricacies of the lessons only their fathers could teach them. I write to you because out of every helping hand I have received in this world, you receive the least amount of credit and praise for the things you do. You’ve always stood back and let me shine, only stepping in when I call for you knowing you can’t be more than a short distance away. It’s time I use these words to pull you and every other remarkable father into the light you so deserve to be seen in. It’s time that light radiates on the genuine and extraordinary love only you could have shown me. A father teaches his daughter many lessons about what it means to truly love and experience this life. One of the most critical understandings he can portray to the young eyes beaming up at him is the notion of how she should be treated. Dad, I remember everything. I remember being tucked in at night and kissed good-bye befo...